What is Mentor?

  • Share expertise on preexisting skills - in Leadership, Management, Project Management, Business Startup, Social Media and Digital Marketing.
  • Support you in discovering how to overcome self-limiting beliefs in relationship to entrepreneurship goals. This is not in place of specialist Health and Media Support, or Financial Guidance.
  • Provide with guidance on what it takes to develop a Personal Brand as a Digital Nomad and Online Creative Entrepreneur including Tools and Systems to use.
  • How to access opportunities for Digital Nomads and Creative Entrepreneurs in Digital, Social Media and Business Education Industry.

What does a Consultant in Digital Marketing and Social Media Do?

  • Access your startup business requirements and provide guidance/sign post you to useful industry tools and resources, to assist you with launching your online business.
  • Review systems and processes you have in place and make recommendations for further improvement.
  • Review and assess Social and Digital Marketing Platforms and provide feedback, for further quality improvement.
  • Provide you guidance on Blogging, Vlogging, Branding, Social Media Tools, Photo and Video Editing Tools and Systems to use.

What is the benefit?

  • Have access to someone who already has the experience in what you are aiming to achieve or implement.
  • Assist in accountability and maintaining consistency, motivation and in seeing through personal entrepreneurship goals.
  • Access to Tools and Resources to support with launching your online business
  • Access to Online Video Courses and pre-recorded and/or live tutorial sessions in group sessions .

How long are the 1-1 sessions and length of period?

What are the benefits of being part of a community group?

  • Peer support for motivation, encouragement
  • Share experiences and positively encourage each other to overcome challenges.
  • Collaboration opportunities and shared knowledge/skills.